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Welcome To Well Intentions Energy

Healing Flows Where Intentions Go

Click here to see Eve's Current Classes & Events being offered in the Chicagoland area.

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be informed of her current offerings.


Gifted with a very strong grounding energy, Eve has the ability to clear, center, align, and ground her clients, helping them to feel calm, balanced, and lighter. 


With its foundation in Healing Touch and Reiki, Eve works in the Quantum field using intuitively channeled, high dimensional frequencies such as light and sound frequencies, Lemurian light language and light codes, Andara Crystals, sacred geometry, intergalactic frequencies, Arcturian energies, and more.

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Services We Offer

Well Intentions Energy aims to help all of our clients live the healthiest lives they can. In order to reach this goal, we offer a variety of services such as Quantum Frequecy Healing (Intuitive Energy Healing with Channeled Frequencies), Energy Mentoring (Life-Coaching with an Energetic Boost), Grounding Bowl Vibrational TherapyMetaphysical Classes (Energy Healing for Yourself, Reducing Stress Through Chakra Alignment, Building Energetic Boundaries & Raising Your Frequencies, Healing the Inner Child & Shadowwork,

Releasing in the Quantum to Shift Your Current Timeline, & more), & Healing Parties


Take a look at some of the services we offer, and please get in touch if you have any questions.

Quantum Frequency Healing


Quantum Frequency Healing


"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”- Albert Einstein


Harmonize the frequencies of your energy bodies with a Quantum Frequency Healing session. Gifted with a very strong grounding energy, Eve has the ability to clear, center, align and ground her clients, helping them to feel calm, balanced, and lighter. With its foundation in Healing Touch and Reiki, Eve works in the Quantum field using intuitively channeled, high dimensional frequencies such as light and sound frequencies, Lemurian light language and light codes, Andara Crystals, sacred geometry, intergalactic frequencies, Arcturian energies, and more.


The session includes setting intentions, a guided meditation, and energy healing that works within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy fields to clear, balance and enhance your energy fields so that you are centered, grounded, and your energy is aligned.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Nikola Tesla
















A Typical Session


What to Expect


Sessions are typically 1 hour in length and involve an intake of information, setting of intention or goals for healing, and then tablework.  Clients are fully clothed and will either lie on a massage table or sit in a chair.  Light touch or hovering of hands over different parts of the body will help promote energy flow and align energy centers or chakras.  Additional tools such as essential oils, crystals, and sound therapy may also be used with consent of the client.


All clients must fill out the Intake Form and Consent Form prior to the first session.




Payment is due the day of services for in-person sessions and 24 hours in advance for remote sessions.


 Quantum Frequency Healing   

       (In-Person or Remote)            


Half Session: $60

(approximately 30 min)​​

Full Session: $90-180

(approximately 60-90 min)


Refer a friend who books a session and receive $10 off of your next service.


Payment: Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Zelle

(There will be a service fee for credit card payments.)


Cancelation Policy:

If a client needs to cancel a session, there is a fee of half of the session price if cancellation is less than 24 hours

and a rescheduled session is not booked.

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What are Reiki & Healing Touch?

 Reiki is a Japanese technique developed by Mikao Usui for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.   Reiki means "universal life force energy."  It involves light touch or hovering of hands over a client who is fully clothed.  Sessions help clients become relaxed and have their energy fields balanced.  Clients can receive energy healing on a massage table or in a chair.   


Here is a video that explains Reiki and what a session is like.

Healing Touch is an energy healing modality founded by Nurse Janet Mentgen and is accredited through the American Nurses Credentialing Center and endorsed through the American Holistic Nurses Association


As seen on their website, "Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

These non-invasive techniques employ the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields, thus affecting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. 

The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmonies in the energy system, placing the client in a position to self heal."

  (Healing Touch Program)



What are Andara Crystals?


​Andara crystals are Monatomic Etherium crystals (crystalized ether with infused monatomic elements) that were formed from the volcanic channels near Mount Shasta.  They are a very high frequecy crystal that work interdimensionally on

the physical, emotional, mental, and physical energy fields.    

It is believed that when the Lemurians ascended, they became Andarians, and these crystals hold their ascended frequencies .

(Life's Treasures Kauai)




Additional Quantum Sessions

$180-$220  (typically 1-2 hours)


Inner Child Healing/Shadow Work

Work within the Quantum field to energetically balance your early childhood years.  


Releasing in the Quantum to Shift Your Present Timeline

Work within the Quautm field to release and balance your energy from past events and bring that healed energy to the present.


Past Life Healing

Work within the Quantum field to release and heal any lower frequency Karmic energy from past lives while keeping the high frequency qualities from your parallel dimensional lives.


Ancestral Healing

Work within the Quatum field to release and heal low frequency energies that we've inherited from our ancestors.


Past Relationship Healing/Cord Cutting

Work within the Quantum field to heal past relationships and/or cut energetic cords so that your current energy body is sealed from those lower frequencies.


​Karmic/Ancestral Contract Releasing

Work within the Quantum Field to dissolve Karmic or Ancestral Contracts.


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Energy Mentoring
(Life Coaching with an Energetic Boost)

Your Energy Creates Your Reality


Align your Energy to Create the Reality You Want!  

Clear Past Energies to Shift Your Present and Future!  

You have the Ability and Eve Can Show You How!


Energy Mentoring empowers a client through a combination of personalized one-on-one coaching activities, intuitive quantum energy healing where the client is actively engaged with the process, and techniques where clients learn to clear, ground, and align their energy, helping them to create the frequency of their desired outcome.


With 30 years of high school teaching, Eve has the ability to meet her clients at their level, tailoring the materials to meet their needs, and making her clients feel comfortable as they become empowered through her sessions.  She has created and taught several metaphysical classes which include learning about the energy system (chakras and energy fields), stress-relief and setting energetic boundaries, inner child and shadow work, intentions and manifesting, intuitive energy healing, meditations, and more. 


Gifted with a very strong grounding energy, she has the ability to clear, center, align, and ground her clients, helping them to feel calm, balanced, and lighter.  With its foundation in Healing Touch and Reiki, Eve's energy healing techniques are enhanced with intuitively channeled higher dimensional frequencies such as light and sound frequencies, Lemurian light language and light codes, frequency tools from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Andarians (Andara Crystals), The Violet Flame of Saint Germaine, Intergalactic frequencies, Arcturian energies, and more. She has experience with essential oils, crystal healing, Akashic Records reading, Tarot, vibrational sound therapy, and is a birds of prey handler and caregiver.


It’s time to co-create your future with the universe!


Click here for the Energy Mentoring Policy

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Metaphysical Learning Experiences

Individualized Lessons and Group Classes

Classes are $90 per person and are typically 1-2 hours.


With over 27 years of high school teaching experience, Eve Muir-Wilson brings her calm, friendly, and innovative style of teaching into the metaphysical classroom.  She has a great ability to meet students at their level, adapting material so everyone can understand the content.  The learning experience includes hands-on activities, as well as handouts with techniques and resources.  Work one-on-one or in small groups with Eve with a customized lesson of your choice of topics. 


Choose from the following topics for your personalized session:


Learning about Your Chakras, Energy Fields, & How to Balance Your Chakras
(Click Hyperlink for more Info)

             Properties of the chakras, Assessing your chakras, Hands-on techniques for clearing and balancing your chakras.     

Techniques to Release Stress & Strengthen Your Energy 
                                     (Click on hyperlink for more detailed information.)                                     
                            Releasing What Doesn't Serve You, Building Boundaries, & Raising Your Frequencies   


Intuitive Energy Balancing and Clearing for Yourself

Learn how to use energy to help align & clear yourself.


Setting Intentions/Mantras/Manifesting Statements

Learn how to manifest a desired outcome and the techniques to energetically work within the Quantum

to bring about new change in your life.

Couples Energy Session Classes ($180/couple)

 (Click on hyperlink for more detailed information.) 

Learn about the energy system and how to give an energy session to your partner.


Group Classes


Energetic Releasing Circles (Circles of Release- Healing Circle)

 (Click on hyperlink for more detailed information.) 

This is a group releasing activity that provides a space where participants receive intuitive energy healing and balancing as we process what we would like to bring into our lives and what we need to release to make room for those changes.


Shake Your Chakras: Interactive Vibrational Sound Healing

 (Click on hyperlink for more detailed information.) 


Solstice Activities: Planting Intentions

 (Click on hyperlink for more detailed information.)

Create an Intention Plant (set intentions, decorate a flower pot and literally plant seeds)

based on the intentions we would like to set for the remainder of the year. 


Have a topic you would like to learn, contact Eve and she will either create the class or

point you to a resource to help you .


Grounding Bowl Vibrational Therapy

24" Grounding Bowl

Grounding Bowl Vibrational Therapy helps to ground and relax clients by having
the client stand in the bowl while the practitioner lightly strikes the bowl sending healing vibrations throughout the body.


Physically, the client's vagus nerve is being stimulated.  The vagus nerve, also known as vagal nerve, runs throughout the body through

the major organs and helps control digestion, heart rate, and immune systems.  When your vagus nerve is stimulated,

then those systems are also stimulated.


Energetically, the grounding bowl helps to open and clear the chakras and energy fields.  The vibrations help to relax and ground the client.


A typical session is 3-5 minutes long and can be done independently from energy healing or

after an energy session to help ground the client.

Image by Chang Duong

Healing Parties, Classes, & Healing Circles

Bring Everyone Together For Some Self-Care

Create a unique healing experience for you and your friends and family in your own home or backyard

with an Energy Healing Party or Healing Circle.


Energy Healing Parties include individual sessions where participants have one-on-one private energy sessions (Reiki/Healing Touch) or releasing consultations.  Eve will bring her massage table & Grounding Bowl and the participants will have an energy session or release consultation catered to their individual needs.


Energy Classes can be added to a group party to add a learning experience to your gathering.  Choose from any of the topics above or talk with Eve about a particular metaphysical topic that you would like to learn more about.  


Healing Circle Parties are a group healing experience where participants process what they want to change while Eve works within their energy fields to help clear, balance, and release those energies that do not serve them.  The group setting heightens the experience as everyone benefits from the individual and group healing energies. The experience also includes replacing the released energies with energies that serve your greatest good.


Contact Eve about creating a unique healing experience for you and your guests.  

Prices will be based on amount of participants, location, and length of time of the services.  




Disclaimer and Legal Liability

Terms & Conditions


General Disclaimer

The content provided on and services offered by Well Intentions Energy LLC and Eve Muir-Wilson, is for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered as providing professional advice, medical or otherwise. The information and services offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.


No Medical Advice

None of the consultants, contributors, sponsors, administrators, or anyone else connected with, Well Intentions Energy LLC, or Eve Muir-Wilson, in any way whatsoever can be responsible for the appearance of any inaccurate or libelous information or for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages.

Please understand that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. We are not medical doctors and do not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. 



By using services from Eve Muir-Wilson and Well Intentions Energy, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, Well Intentions Energy LLC, and Eve Muir-Wilson, and its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers, and any third-party information providers to the website from and against all losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any violation of this agreement (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing the website.


No Guarantees

The spiritual treatments and services provided through, Well Intentions Energy LLC, and Eve Muir-Wilson are based on our understanding and interpretation of holistic and spiritual practices. However, we cannot guarantee any specific results from these treatments or services, and your experiences may vary.


Personal Responsibility

You acknowledge that you are participating voluntarily in using our website/services and that you are solely and personally responsible for your choices, actions, and results, now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or non-use, of any information provided on or through this website/services, and you agree to use your judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion, or recommendation from this website/services to your life, family, or business.


Changes to the Disclaimer, Well Intentions Energy LLC, and Eve Muir-Wilson reserves the right to revise this legal notice at any time. Any such changes will be posted on this page. Please check this page periodically for updates.


Acknowledgement and Agreement

By using services by, Well Intentions Energy LLC, or Eve Muir-Wilson, you acknowledge that you have read this Disclaimer and agree to all its terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by this Disclaimer, you are not authorized to use, Well Intentions Energy LLC, or Eve Muir-Wilson. Your continued use of the website/services constitutes your agreement to this Disclaimer.


Reiki , Healing Touch, and Quantum Frequency Healing are holistic complementary and integrative energy based therapies that are accomplished through the use of contact and/or non-contact touch.  Eve Muir-Wilson is not a licensed physician and her services are not licensed by the state of Illinois.

She is not trained to diagnose illness, make recommendations involving pharmaceutical drugs or surgery, or handle medical emergencies. 


All clients will be required to sign a consent form before the services.  

(See A Typical Session section above for the electronic form or print and bring this form to your session.)


Peaceful Candle and Flowers

Additional Resources

​Places Where Eve Teaches and Does Energy Healing


Eve's Healing Room- Elk Grove Village, IL


The Journey's Path Wellness & Metaphysical Shop- West Chicago, IL  


Sacred Ground- Arlington Heights, IL 


The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center- Des Plaines, IL


Infinity Foundation- Highland Park, IL



Additional Information

  • What is Reiki-a Short Film- this short film by Lisa Biagetti describes what Reiki is, shows some of the benefits of Reiki through client testimonials, and shows you what a Reiki session looks like.

  • The Science Behind Energy Healing This news website has a video segment in which Dr. Marjorie Woolacott (University of Oregon Neuroscience professor) explains what Energy Healing is and what science research is saying about it.

  •  What Can I Expect in a Typical Session- This University of Minnesota website explains what a typical Healing Touch session entails, as well as provides a couple of videos about some common Healing Touch techniques.

  • Reiki: What is it and are there benefits?-  This article from Medical News Today explains what Reiki is, the benefits of Reiki, and describes a Reiki session.

  • International House of Reiki- Frans and Bronwen Stiene's websites about the Japanese style of Reiki.

  • The Internationals Center for Reiki Training- William Lee Rand's website that provides information on Holy Fire Reiki.

  • Healing Touch Frequently Asked Questions-  Information about the Healing Touch Program, a program founded by Nurse Janet Mentgen that is accredited through the American Nurses Credentialing Center and endorsed through the American Holistic Nurses Association.  It states the benefits of Healing Touch, explains what Healing Touch is, and describes what a session includes.

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About Eve

Eve Muir-Wilson is a Healing Touch practitioner, Reiki Master, high school teacher, and birds of prey handler.        

  She has experience with Akashic Records reading, essential oils, crystal healing, Tarot, and other techniques in helping people reduce their stress.


 Gifted with a very strong grounding energy, she has the ability to clear, center, align, and ground her clients, helping them to feel calm, balanced, and lighter.  With its foundation in Healing Touch and Reiki, Eve works in the Quantum field using intuitively channeled, high dimensional frequencies such as light and sound frequencies, Lemurian light language and light codes, Andara Crystals, sacred geometry, intergalactic frequencies, Arcturian energies, and more. 


Eve entered the world of Wellness back in 2015 with essential oils, looking for a natural way to help reduce stress        and increase her wellness while dealing with the daily stresses of teaching.  In 2016, Reiki came into her life as            another form of stress relief and seeing the benefits of Reiki made her pursue classes in getting certified in                  Reiki Levels 1 & 2 and completing her Reiki Master certification in January of 2019.  In 2018, Eve decided she would like to expand her healing knowledge and started her pursuit to be a Healing Touch practitioner. 
She completed her certification in 2021.  In 2023-2024, Eve completed training with Project Starborn with the intention of enhancing her energy healing to a deeper level.  Through this training, Eve has deepened her intuition and spiritual gifts while learning to work with The Arcturians and other higher dimensional frequencies in the Quantum.             


Since 2021, she has been a Reiki and Healing Touch practitioner at The Journey’s Path Metaphysical and Wellness Center in West Chicago, as well as at Sacred Ground Crystal Shop in Arlington Heights, The Infinity Foundation in Highland Park, & Retreats.  She’s also taught a variety of classes on the Chakra Energy System, Creating Energetic Boundaries and Clearing Energy Fields, Healing Circles, Grounding Bowl sessions, and co-hosts a monthly Drumming Circle. 


In addition to working with clients for the past 7 years, she volunteers twice a month at The Alexian Brothers Cancer Institute giving Healing Touch sessions to cancer patients and their care-givers. Eve also created a wellness support group and self-care room for her colleagues at the high school where she teaches, giving workshops on aligning their energy and showing them ways to enhance their energy and release their stress at the end of the workday.  


Along with being an energy practitioner and teacher, Eve also volunteers for Wings and Talons, a non-profit raptor  rescue and education organization. Since November of 2018, Eve has enjoyed learning how to handle, care for, and educate the public about the falcon, turkey vulture, owls, and hawks that are part of organization.     


She looks forward to working with you to bring you relaxation and also teach you some techniques to continue your self-care at home.                                                                                                                           

Get in Touch

Contact Us

For more information and/or to schedule an appointment, call or email Eve. 

Summer Hours- available any day of the week, morning, afternoon or early evening                             

School Year Hours- available weekends and some early evenings during the week            


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